Circular in design, the S6 Log Jam playground climber is very compact, and allows the user to climb around higher and higher! For older children and teens, the top beams are a fun spot to hangout and socialize with a birds eye view of the surrounding space. The S6 can be sited on its own or combined with other playground structures. *Not available in the United States. Contact us for details.
Play Value
Log Jams offer unlimited open ended play opportunities for older children, teens and even adults. Varying in height, challenge and complexity, they are a perfect option for natural playgrounds. Log Jams are a challenging, fun, non-prescriptive climbing experience. They can be used independently or in combination with towers, post and rope challenge, log piles or other log jams.
Depending on the child, they may choose to navigate the structure by crawling, shimmying or moving hands and feet together to monkey between logs. Most Log Jams accommodate many children playing together or independently. Cognitive functioning is constant as children assess risk, choose routes and observe how others are playing. New experiences are presented each time they visit. Climbers develop risk awareness and assessment skills and learn flexible thinking as they plan out play paths.
Log Jams are built with hand-processed Robinia pseudoacadia logs sourced from Ontario and the Northeastern United States. Logs have a minimum diameter of 6 inches and anti-crack bolts are added to the ends of each log to reduce cracking.
When located on an accessible surface, Log Jams are an accessible ground level play feature that encourage parallel play among children of different ages and abilities. As a non-prescriptive play element, children will find their own ways to interact with the logs and other children playing between and among the beams. Children with different abilities may work to gain balance and motor skills moving around the logs.
Age Range: 5-12y
Area Required: 24'5" x 23'8"
Surfacing Area: 441 ft²
Fall Height: 7'
Max Height: 18'
User Capacity: 22
Age Range: 5-12y
Area Required: 7.4m x 7.1m
Surfacing Area: 40.2 m²
Fall Height: 2.1m
Max Height: 5.5m
User Capacity: 22
Log Jam S6 CSA.dwg