A Basket Swing makes the swinging experience that much more social as multiple children can sit or perch together for a thrilling ride. This basket swing has a net bottom and is a familiar and popular piece of playground equipment. Playground swings can be combined with connected bays so that belt swings along with basket swings, toddler swings and accessible swings can be interchanged in the design.
Swinging alone can be a relaxing and meditative experience for kids or it can be a heart pumping ride that involves jumping off or seeing how high you can get! Swinging with friends brings a whole other level of social play and interaction. Swinging is important for proprioception/vestibular senses and fosters the development of coordination and movement skills.
Swing posts are constructed of Alaskan Yellow Cedar mounted on a stainless steel bracket that allows installation in all environments. Swings are mounted off of a stainless steel rod with adjustable brackets to fit the precise post size.
Age Range: 2-12y
Area Required: 23'9" x 35'10"
Surfacing Area: 515 ft²
Fall Height: 8'9"
Max Height: 12'1"
User Capacity: 3
Single Bay Basket Swing ASTM.dwgAge Range: 18m-12y
Area Required: 6.7m x 13.2m
Surfacing Area: 45 m²
Fall Height: 2.7m
Max Height: 3.7m
User Capacity: 3
Single Bay Basket Swing CSA.dwg