Swing like a chimpanzee! Traverse Rings are a long-time playground favourite. Much like monkey bars, the Traverse Rings develop upper body strength but the movement of the Traverse Rings adds challenge as children swing from grip to grip. Traverse Rings can be a part of a larger adventure playground circuit.
Play Value
Post and Rope is a collection of versatile natural play features that can be used alone or in combination with each other to make play circuits for children of all ages.
These Traverse Rings fit the natural playground aesthetic and provide an additional option to Post and Rope circuits. They develop excellent upper body strength and provide extra challenge as compared to regular monkey bars.
All of the logs used in Post and Rope elements are black locust. The ropes are nylon-wrapped steel core with aluminum connectors.
When located on an accessible surface, Post and Rope elements are accessible ground level play features.
Age Range: 5-12y
Area Required: 15'6" x 25'
Surfacing Area: 335 ft²
Fall Height: 9'2"
Max Height: 10'
User Capacity: 2
Traverse Rings ASTM.dwgAge Range: 5-12y
Area Required: 4.7m x 7.6m
Surfacing Area: 30.5 m²
Fall Height: 2.8m
Max Height: 3m
User Capacity: 2
Traverse Rings CSA.dwg