The Discovery Table is a wonderful gathering spot for young children to share and create. The large White Oak top invites children to engage in social and imaginative play and is a great spot for a snack.
Play Value
The Discovery Table looks like Mother Nature has created the perfect forest gathering spot. Horizontal logs are topped with two large slabs of White Oak. The top of the table is approximately 14 inches off the ground. There are two configurations available. The 6-seat option has one long side open for side approach access, creating an inclusive play environment for a child with a mobility device. The 8-seat option has seating around the full perimeter of the table. The log seats are a comfortable diameter for both adults and children. Since wood is a poor conductor of heat, the logs never feel uncomfortably hot or cold on bare skin.
Play spaces need active and passive zones. Whether children use the elevated surface for loose parts play with sand or wood chips or as a place to investigate bugs, race cars, or have a tea party, it is a great spot for rest, social interaction, and creative play.
The Discovery Table is made of Alaskan Yellow Cedar with a two-piece slab White Oak top.
The Discovery Table is accessible when located on an accessible route. The 6-seat option has one long side of table open for a side approach, creating room for mobility devices.
Age Range: 2-5y
Area Required: 8'-8" x 6'
Surfacing Area: N/A
Fall Height: N/A
Max Height: 1'-4 1/2"
User Capacity: 7-8
Discovery Table 8 ASTM.dwgAge Range: 18m-5y
Area Required: 2.64m x 1.83m
Surfacing Area: N/A
Fall Height: N/A
Max Height: 0.42m
User Capacity: 7-8
Discovery Table 8 CSA.dwg